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Santana with Jesus in the background. I thank Santana for coming out a few years ago, declaring that he is a survivor of sexual abuse, and that there is no shame for seeking counseling to eradicate the demons associated with sexual abuse. Thank you Santana for all your beautiful music, your community involvement and being a advocate for the underdog.

Ko.yan.nis.qatsi (Hopi) 1. Crazy life. 2. Life in turmoil. 3. Life out of balance. 4. Life disintegrating. 5 A state of life that calls for another way of living.

This is a true story of one of the anonymous individuals whose misfortune it was to born a “food animal.” The truck carrying this cow was unloaded at Walton Stockyards in Kentucky on the morning of September 29, 1983. After the other animals were removed from the truck, she was left behind, unable to move. The stockyard workers proceeded to beat, kick her in the face, ribs and back. They used the customary electric prods in her ears to try to get her out, she still could not move. They tied a rope around her head, tied the other end to a post in the ground and drove the truck away. (Standard practice.) She was dragged along the floor of the truck and fell to the ground, landing with both hind legs and her pelvis broken. She remained in this state until 7:30 p.m. She lay in the hot sun crying out for the first three hours. Periodically when she urinated or defecated, she used her front legs to drag herself along the gravel road to a clean spot. She tried to crawl to a shaded area but could not move far enough; although she managed to crawl 13-14 yards. The stockyard employees would not allow her any drinking water; the only water she received was given to her by Jessie Pierce, an animal rights activist, who had been contacted by Emmie McNay, who witnessed the incident. Jessie arrived at noon and after receiving no cooperation from the workers, called the Kenton County Police. A cop arrived, but after calling his superiors, was instructed to do nothing and left. The stockyard operator told Jessie he obtained permission from the insurance company to kill the cow, but would not do so until Jessie left. She left at 3 pm but returned at 4:30 pm. The stockyard was deserted and three dogs were attacking the cow, she suffered a number of bite wounds and her drinking water was removed. Jessie called the Kentucky State Police. At 5:30 pm State Trooper Jan Wuchner arrived and wanted to shoot the cow but was told a vet should kill her. The two veterinarians at the facility, U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian Ed Scott and stockyard vet John Twehues, would not kill the cow, claiming; in order to preserve the value of the meat, the cow could not be destroyed until a butcher was present. The butcher arrived at 7:30 pm and shot the cow; her body was purchased for $307.50. (Usually animals that are bruised, crippled or found dead are considered unfit for human consumption and used for pet food.) When the stockyard operator was questioned by a reporter for The Kentucky Post, he said, “We didn’t do a damned thing to it,” and referred to the attention given to the cow by humane workers and police as “bullcrap.” He laughed through the questioning, saying he found nothing wrong with the way the incident was handled. The incident with this cow is not an isolated case; in fact, it is so common that animals in this condition are known as “downers” and no effort is made by the meat industry or USDA to see that these animals are treated humanely. The stockyards find these practices acceptable and they have proved that the industry can't monitor itself. It is up to the public to demand changes and up to consumers to refuse to purchase the products of their miserable industry. (Or go vegetarian?) Veal Facts. Prized “white veal” comes from anemic calves; anemia is produced by depriving the calves of solids and iron. Veal calves mothers are dairy cows who were impregnated on what the industry calls a “rape rack.” One to 3 day old calves are taken from their moms so that humans can drink the milk meant for them. Calves are raised in darkness, chained by the neck to prevent them from turning around. Their joints swell painfully from standing on slatted floors without bedding. One out of 10 newborn calves dies in the confinement system.     Elsbeth Lambert of United Animal Defenders.    Please don't eating animals and their by-products, or cut back severely.